In the twi-light of the descending night

In the ever-increasing twi-light of this oppressively descending obscured darkness I sit alone.ocean-by-cjackson.jpg
So alone I do ponder; why does mankind have this want to classify his brothers; to place him into groups, to always place them into some sort of division and sub-divisions? Why does man place limits on himself and others. Why does the human race this brotherhood of man talk of peace and togetherness then hyphenated its self into people’s places and old ideals?
I asked myself some time ago; can one find or is there truly any wisdom in any of this? Can you find or see if there’s an answer to the question as to why men justify their irate hate?
Forgive my disjoint analogy, my skipping on of topics; oh forgive my monotonous mind teasing, and weak memory games of the late dark night. For the twi-light it is coming, this the darkness is advancing, but there is a method to my madness to this I willingly confess.

Please remember I am a follower of what Paul calls the ways of the Christ, so what follows is in keeping with that, though it comes close to the edges a few times.

Some years ago it was all the rage you see to ask our children “what would Jesus do”; they had posters, they had rings and many had stretchy bracelets while others had perhaps two or even three. Oh, and yes they had these tee shirts too.
No one ever said to them: take a moment to read the book; oh my child look. Look at what he said, it’s written down in this book right here. This dusty one hidden high up on the shelf, the one so many hide when company arrives. Look, just read, yes for yourself. For your own sake read my child read; then you’ll know just how he lived, what he commanded us to do, it’s easy and if you read; then you can really choose. For the Christ he lived as he taught, for his father’s commands and his decrees were all a part of him his life. Jesus who is the Christ, said we to should pick up our cross and come and follow him, his command was do as I has done.
So again what would Jesus do?

a shinning light, a ray of hope, reminders of things not yet lost. remember this: a contrite heart repent return and rest, for grace is sufficient for thee

a shinning light, a ray of hope, reminders of things not yet lost. remember this: a contrite heart repent return and rest, for grace is sufficient for thee

As I have begun to ripen as they say to reach that age where wisdom comes, the one me pappy and his pappy said so long ago I would do. I remember how they told me one day; boy yes, one day you’ll be ripe and know so much more than you do, but for now dear child pray, then read, and seek the lord while there is yet still time.
So feeling now that I am ripe’ as I have watched, as I have gotten along in years; this new strangeness growing in our nation, has caught my attention and at times is scares me and at sometimes I stand horrified at what the human race is capable of doing what the men who cry out peace and love all do to their brothers.
I see the arrogance of our youth, they have become so overbearing and presumptuous. We give to them those bits and pieces, we give them letters like WWJD, but we forget the meat which they need to grow and strengthen. The truth inside the word is Love; Love your brother as yourself; forgive as Christ forgave.
I see the rage that is growing in our nation. Fed by this new hate of justification’s separation, called for by men who claim, but do not know the Christ.
Their hate calls for all of these new divisions which they use to set on fire men of reason, to set one brother against the other, the hyphenation of good men feeds the anger and is now used to separate and divide and false men of gods of old use it to justify.
Every day one hears the cry of racist, racism, or that’s a racial slurs. Seems the Brown the black and red shirts have come back, have invaded our own nation. Those who squash the freedom of all men to speak and gather to protest all the rights of free men they hate are called anti to their hate and rage.
They eliminate each group, they silence them with threats, oh yes the brown the black the reds are back after only sixty years.
All these regressive ways comes now upon the Christian first to go was the ten, next the freedom to gather in public is being attacked, with that the freedom to speak is of God of Christ and the Holy Spirit all attacked, the Bible is being called a book of hate; all of this for it is claimed Christians judge the others in society.GWProc
But no one questions Islam..
I hear these word more now than fifty years ago; I was told of them by survivors of the old rage and hate so I do not find it odd that the sharks are now eating those themselves once held in high esteem; it is the nature of the malicious beast. For there is nothing new in their hate for hate is an all-consuming way of life.
For the anger of their Self-righteousness fuels all the jealousy and envy which seeks only to destroy; it never builds it always takes and it tears down leaving in its wake bitterness and poverty.

Oh the darkness comes, evil grows and is called good, and the blood of the innocents runs so deep in the city streets, oh the wickedness of this pertinacious nation. To justify the murder of its children to sacrifice it’s young on the altar of self-righteous piety of me myself and I want mine.

So again my dear friend “what would Jesus do” is the question?
Oh, yes I almost did forget. Christ he said to his sheep to do this as all men gather against them with their hate: Forgive. We do not hear this word FORGIVE. No most of the new age teachers and the preachers along with politician cry for retribution.
Now if you asked me I would say this in answer to what the Christ would do.
FORGIVE for he FORGAVE all who would believe.
Many a man have had a dream, one He spoke the words of peace, forgive and love. He saw what the Christ said, he saw all God’s children as one race not as divisions or hyphenation. I my youth I heard all this and I was so amazed. My pappy said to close my eyes and then to look at my fellow-man. Now the darkness descends my fellowmen and women seek out ask for revenge for all past misdeeds. Of men long since dead. None seeks the way of love to forgive as he forgave, all seek now the grave the pit of darkness for they hate.

So I shout WWJD and the answer is FORGIVE!!!!!!

Yes, some still ask in isolated pockets what would Jesus do?
They find themselves silenced more and more by liberal progressives and media hype.
Now separated from others, they become more hated as their isolation grows.
They are called the haters now, and on the net by the national wire services and the liberal media; for they speak of peace and love.
They cry out for people to forgive; for this they are ridiculed yes, for their love of Christ.
When they say that one should strive to do as the Christ; for he did it once for all, so one can live. FORGIVE.
Division has become our nation’s way of life. Liberalism is the new socialism which brands a title of inclusion or exclusion on each person in society on their hyphenated choice. No longer does the social liberalism seek inclusion of all, but liberal-socialism seeks to separate, divide and isolates. This is now destroying a once great nation. Propaganda comes a flowing from the holy mountains of the west the holy wood of the many stars the people view as gods. Those the people follow telling them what is best. The media tells the people all is fine that the haters are the problem, so we live in more isolated communities than ever before. As the tyrant in the east spews out orders, as our once noble Congress plays our nation burns from with-in.

I have become an aged old pain to many of the younger generations; who feel I am insane for I speak of Christ and his truth. Those who know less than what they think, who only know what they have read from ditto sheets or been spoon fed in the liberal’s schools of lack of truth and twisted ways.
Think me ignorant and call me stupid seems to them that my chosen way to life is wrong for they have rejected the way of Christ’s. And me I have embraced the way, the truth, and seek the light. So as they run around like Chicken Little oft-times like little ole punch and Judy’s; repeating what some insincere shock jock has read from his or her teleprompter.

I will pray, I will not ask, but I will do, I carry no small burden none who follow do, Christ has set me free from the penalty of the law, so no longer does death and the grave hold for me the sting. It does for them who reject the hope.
This year the new age science has coined a new term of winter vortex, but it’s still the natural way, the upper jet stream works. And each year it moves in differing cycles, yes, the Northern Jet stream has a pattern. Fifty years ago I learned of this, but now today the ominous winter Vortex has ravaged us again.
But the twi-light it is gathering darkness it is coming it draws nearer to us all each day.
Take some time stop and pray the door is there just knock, it shall opened inside peace and joy abounding can be yours all one need do is ask. Seek and you shall find ,but do so while there’s still time…….

A question to myself on Grace

beach 3An odd thought I had tonight about this wondrous thing called grace, now grace is a free gift; since it is given to those who ask, but it has a tiny little catch; called faith in who? Yes, you guessed it Jesus who is the Christ. Now if you are thus born again and Christ resides with you; can you sin?

One must read Corinthians Galatians Romans and Proverbs with the Psalms

Can one lose the gift a question fought about?  So many great and small have an answer; the Oh so wise, say no, but Paul when he posed the question; how many times can you crucify the Christ? If you are truly saved you will turn from your sinful ways, forgiveness does not justify, or cleanse the sin to make it good; you must stop the sinning turn and return to him.

As of late I have begun to wonder about all the justifications used by modern man. Those seeking to find the gray as some are want to say. All these new oddities done since the rejection of the ten by oh so many self-enlightened men. Men who stand on what they call faith in the church and their own self-righteousness. Yet who are they really. These goodly men and women, who twist words and on a whim replace as Satin did half-truths with outright lies.

I sit now in this moment, in the tranquility of the night, so silent, looking into the morning dawning, as the light it slowly comes, it is now that I do so wonder at the ways of modern men.  For in the dark twi-light a man he hides his ways, he conceals from his brothers his dark and cold, cold heart, his resentments, and most of all his fear. But in the light of this new age; I see a sickness growing one that is devouring this once great land. Apathy with indifference grows each day, we claim we do so love the Christ, but the way of Caine is what we choose..

The men I see, the women to; be not what I once knew.

Their arrogance and pride it overwhelms, but something more lays hidden deep inside them. I sense a growing touch of fear perhaps, but it seems to me the fear it does now fuel something far more sinister for the modern man so loves his anger, hate, and envy; these three which come of jealousies. These are the three which give rises to the rage of Cain now it is used by the many divisions of modern man. For these the vicious children of the new age of men have so much, yet have so very little. Always seeking always they are demanding from others what they do not have: Self-control, self-respect, and deep inside they are filled to over flowing with self-loathing for they are devoid of empathy they, have no understanding of what it is to pity. Or simply be their brother’s keeper.

The new age generations of X,Y,Z,and all the rest

They talk as if they own the world, yet their words and action betray them still: one hears the cry of I want and one sees into the cold the calloused heart and hears the cry of an all-consuming evil.

They fear the future? Yet, justify their present, and glorify their past.

Yes, I wonder as I sit in silence, why and how a man can do these wretched things. For man it seems does do love to Lie and steal, murder, cheat and wear envy as a coat of pride, so fully justified in all that it entails. Then he turns and judges all others as he does, justifying his position with well I am saved, I have grace, so there; yes I am better than you by far. For I am a Christian am I not. Yes, you are so have you learned of these few gods? Dagos, Moloch, or the Baal’s?

I have always wondered why so many can lie and steal then justify these actions. Many have a special Sunday seat where they can get a blessing for all of this. But does the word not say…That is when they shy away; for I have struck a nerve. Then they shout you shall not judge me for how you do so shall you be judged. But the word is says if your brother sin and you keep silent you are guilty of his blood.

So you can sin and thus use Grace as an excuse or an opportunity for more sin you take this gift to justify your lies and thefts so you change good into bad.

Many as they age,  they all to soon flock to temples built of crystal, or wood and stone where they take a seat then wait for the promised blessing from the leader, which shall cleanse them of that week’s sin. Which on the morrow they will do again, so they will give as little as they can or must. Once their time inside is served; they exit smiles wide with minds now clear, no longer do they fear the wrath of God and the consequences of their choices.  Set they out again to seek the wants of a new age life.

However the night still holds for many a deep fear, for darkness comes to all, yes to every man the cold all-consuming darkness of death will come we cannot escape. We all start out on the same road, I have watched the children as they play some will share some will comfort others pick them up. But now and then one comes, that one must have control. So I watch in awe filled wonder as the others they divide as the one does take control then comes deceit jealousy and lies. Yes folie is in the blood of man and deceit is learned and taught..


Do you really

Do you love me? He did ask.

Therefore will you thus consider?

And the word said, Love your fellow man as your self. Forgive and live as the Christ forgave

And the word said, Love your fellow-man as your self. Forgive and live as the Christ forgave

Following me where I go?

Do you love me? He asked again

 Will you give up all you have?

Then come with me?

Chose to live


Do you love me? Tell me now.

Can you hear me? I whisper softly to you

Do you see me?

I am near, a fleeting wisp, a shadow

Do you really seek me? Is your desire to know me?

Do you have faith in me? Like a mustard seed?

All these he did ask; in truth

All of this and so much more


He said so much he said more

My sheep they hear my voice

My sheep they keep they obey

That which is written on their heart

My father’s commands and decrees

My sheep cannot be taken from me

So I ask do you really?

Do you really love me?

Do you really walk after me?


Are you mine? Oh my child

It is easier for the camel to pass through the needle gate

Than a rich man to enter heaven

A man of pride

Deliberate well before the time


I am not a Christian

a shinning light, a ray of hope, reminders of things not yet lost. remember this: a contrite heart repent return and rest, for grace is sufficient for thee

a shinning light, a ray of hope, reminders of things not yet lost. remember this: a contrite heart repent return and rest, for grace is sufficient for thee

I find I am unfit

I keep the way

 I stand so far away

I beat my chest always begging

My head hanging tears burning falling

Pleading for forgiveness of my sin

Seeking always to be justified

That perhaps one day


I may hear these few word “well done”

My good and faithful servant

But only Christ forgives

So I wait, so I pray

And so ask my God to forgive me

 Forgive me Lord for my faults this day

Do you wonder, if

Do you wonder; if at all what would Jesus do?

And the word said, Love your fellow man as your self. Forgive and live as the Christ forgave

And the word said, Love your fellow-man as your self. Forgive and live as the Christ forgave

Do you wonder why I stand in awe and give him praise?

Do you care? well I do, so I shall share these few things with you.

Some years back:

Many asked some time ago, it was all the rage, to ask each other what would Jesus do.

They had posters in Sunday schools and at the summer Bible Camps, they had rings, many had bracelets perhaps two some even three, oh yes and a tee’s.

In response I asked myself should not someone ask, should not someone question them at all?

So to myself I responded:

If you look at what he said then you’ll know just how he lived. Jesus lived his father’s commands and lived as he was taught; for the commands and the decrees were all a part of his life. Jesus, said we should pick up our own cross and come and follow him, his command was simple do as I have done…He said his sheep would always keep his father’s commands and decrees.


As I set out on the long road to maturity; looking back in old memory I recall me pappy and his pappy once told me this Oh so long ago; that I would one day thus be ripe I tell kids they one day will be fully cooked; Pappy told me son, one day you’ll be ripe and know more than you do, but for now son pray, now read, and seek the lord while there is yet time.  So feeling now that I am ripe’ or fully cooked, an old man; looking back as I have done and do. I realize God has allowed me to watched, as I have progressed along in years; the abnormality’s developing in our nation, they have set off many alarms in me at times. I see the arrogance of our youth, who have become so overbearing and presumptuous. I see the rage alive in them, well fed by envy greed and social ancient hate once again growing in them, the hate has set a fire in their eyes for the settling of these ancient wrongs, anger is now used to separate and divide, while men and women of true peace become fewer hunted and chased away.

There are still some who live and ask in isolated pockets what would Jesus do?

The media and the liberals have coined a name for them.

They are called the haters now; for they speak of peace and love, they cry out for forgiveness; that one should do as Christ did once for all; so one can live. They claim we can all live in peace. if we just forgive and set aside the past.

 Division has become a way of life all claim in some way they are victims of the immoral society of the European.  No longer do we seek inclusion of the many, but we separate and divide. This is now destroying a once great nation. Propaganda comes a flowing from the holy mountains of the West and East telling us what is best. They say that all is fine, yet we live in a nation more isolated than in the past.   we live in communities where information comes from a few.


I have become an aged an old pain to the younger generation; they feel I am insane for I speak of Christ and truth.  Those poor simpletons who know less than what they think and only what they have read or have been told by a twisted media. Think me ignorant and call me Stupid; seems to them that my chosen way to life is wrong and evil for they have rejected Christ’s way. So as they run around like Chicken Little repeating what some fool has read from his or her

he set the boundaries the sea can not cross.

he set the boundaries the sea can not cross.

teleprompter. I will pray, I will not ask them to clarify a lie, but I will do, I will carry my small burden of Christ’s love, for Christ has set me free from the penalty of the law, so no longer do I fear death nor can the grave hold me for my lord he holds the keys to both of these so now death where is your sting when Christ my Savior has taken hold of thee..

This year the new age science has coined the term a winter vortex but it’s still the natural way the upper jet stream works. And each year it moves in differing cycles, yes the Northern Jet stream has a pattern. Fifty years ago at the age of eight I learned this, but not today the ominous winter Vortex has ravaged us again. Why do they perpetuate the lie? There is no climate change just the natural cycles of nature taking place. Man cannot nor will he ever change that. But one can say and pass a warning when the cold hits when the sun dims where from whence will you get power coal is almost out lawed the clean and zero sulfur planets have been canceled we will be in hurt my friend…..


The price of Pride

The following is a response given to a set of questions of a sort
Jesus was asked by a young man: what must I do to inherit the kingdom Lord?
Jesus in response ask him a few question starting with why do you call me good? Then asking do you keep the commands and decrees, yes the young man responded. Let’s side step here no one mentioned the Law of Moses, just the commands and decrees they had had for all time. The young man said I keep them all; Jesus said you do, now go, and sell all you have, give the money to the poor and follow me. The young man left his head low, for he was very wealthy…

a shinning light, a ray of hope, reminders of things not yet lost. remember this: a contrite heart repent return and rest, for grace is sufficient for thee

a shinning light, a ray of hope, reminders of things not yet lost. remember this: a contrite heart repent return and rest, for grace is sufficient for thee


Arguing is man’s Pride??

Arguing is man’s way,
He seems to so enjoy
Man makes his living in self-seeking
He takes joy in his Pride
Now contemplate
Caine slew Abel out of anger
He was enraged
His pride was hurt
So his brother had to pay
For God found his offering unacceptable.
Now in pride man has choice
In pride he defies
In pride he defines life
In pride he lies to himself
In pride he murders million
In his pride he wonders why

Many of the postings I have seen on Christian discussion boards, blogs, and social networks are from people pretending to be seeking answers to biblical questions or who are pointing out contradictions they believe are found in the bible which they cannot understand, so they dispute them on many levels and do not accept the answers offered, but an answer has been given and is known; put into simple speak any answer other than the answer they were taught will be rejected.. They do not seek enlightenment and its accompanying wisdom, but always desire confrontation.
Some claim to be Christian, however turn out be: Muslim, Humanist, Atheist’s and Wicca. Some type out questions or responses in broken English, still others love to use foul words. Hoping to get a response of anger out of the followers thus proving they have found a false believer. These people those who claims to be sincere followers of the Christ are in fact what was foretold so long ago: wolves in sheep’s clothing enticing way the feeble and weak of mind among the brethren.
All these people have a goal in pursuing their confrontations with the followers; it seems to be their vain hope of besting the Christian and the Christian community there by showing they are superior. So thinking that in their attacks on the Christian they somehow will uplift themselves. Sadly for the most part the exact opposite effect occurs, for many of these people. For in attacking the community they begin to feel extreme guilt and this then causes them to feel a strange fear which then fuels even more attacks. As they strike out in their blindness, their fear intensifies, their anger increases for they know not why and this fuels an intense almost insane rage.
This fear which they cannot understand oh this fear they cannot explain will becomes all-consuming like a fire leading them not to question their lives, but to an intense hate of Christ..


And the word said, Love your fellow man as your self. Forgive and live as the Christ forgave

And the word said, Love your fellow man as your self. Forgive and live as the Christ forgave

These people in their self-seeking pride ( in their anti-Christ’s passion )have allowed the follower a wonderful time of reflection, prayer and strengthening; yes a time to grow stronger in one’s faith comes to the believer as they see the Holy Spirits working to bring a lost sheep to the Christ or defending a sheep against an evil. So as one obeys the psalmist words of heaping burning coals upon their heads one become a witness to the destructiveness of pride…
Some say the followers of Jesus who is the Christ are robotic mindless fools:
They say the in dwelling which takes place takes away freedom of choice:
Being indwelt of the Holy Spirit is humbling, liberating and enlightening for it is not our will but his will which shall be done.
Pride is slowly replaced with love compassion and hope.
I am Proud to be
Proud in its many definitions: means full of spirit and vigor.
So yes, I am PROUD for I am full of that and so much more.
We are as the word says so loved, so wonderfully crafted. And thanks be to grace and through faith we are heirs, yes sons and daughter of the most high. So as stated in the last definition I will daily strive to that lofty ideal that unreachable goal as Paul stated run my race for that final prize, I will as much as is possible live a life Holy unto my lord, I want to as defined in proud do him proud as any child of the Father would.

Many have attacked the use of the word proud; proudly thinking and feeling one is talking of pride, As we have seen those indwelt of this evil have no empathy for their victims no compassion, but have a passion for arguing excluding all love and true hope..
If confront with the love of Christ, with the compassion of forgiveness and faiths true calling of hope..
Some will bend most will lash out but in all of this do as Jesus did love them pray for them always no matter what show the ways of Christ’s compassion for the lost….