Page six: What big C did

The big C and me….
Page six
I wrote a little Bio about my life my ex-wife oh the sadness of pages 1 through 5 and more. I could delete it all, but in cyber space it would still exist and so, I did something I should not have done I spoke of her in bitterness. So here and now I apologize to her, for I did so love her so. But also as I said to her, her family as she told me all her friends I was an embarrassment. I was she told me like a stooge maybe Moe perhaps Larry even Curly Joe but most of all I was just a bum. This was a devastating thing to hear that I was hated by so many. They acted like they liked me, but she had spoken so it must all then be true
So yes, I was grateful for the big C. Greatly blessed you might say.
So here is some of what the big C taught me.

a shinning light, a ray of hope, reminders of things not yet lost. remember this: a contrite heart repent return and rest, for grace is sufficient for thee

a shinning light, a ray of hope, reminders of things not yet lost. remember this: a contrite heart repent return and rest, for grace is sufficient for thee

First was Love, then came grace, mercy came with compassion looking forward with some hope and sharing empathy, but most of all was love.
I met a man who wanted to give me last rights, as I lay in intensive care the day,
I had died; my family had come to identify the body,
I told him I am not ready just yet.
Yes, the big C it took body’s strength, but the bigger C gave much more back; I found true love compassion grace as I lay there in that bed. They found my body on the road. The big C had won battle the war however was not yet over.
The C had other plans of which I still do not know full well.
It does not matter if you believe my word .But I must tell you true it happened. The C he called so here I am.
Having cancer is no fun. But even in the lowest place I knew someone was there. Knowing the great C the one called Christ messiah Jesus is a saving grace, he is real he is here the kingdom is now come.
God does not seek the perfect he does not seek the self-righteous he looks and finds the contrite the broken the weakest and the sick. God looks for those who are rejected alone unwanted by the goodly in society.
Many are now thinking he thinks he is so much better than we are. No my friend I am not I still wonder at the why and will I be taken up and allowed to enter. For I still do not have the wedding clothes. There is only one way to salvation one road and blessed is he who seeks it out. Narrow is the way that leads to life.

life braches out in many ways , yet all things lead back to one

life braches out in many ways , yet all things lead back to one


Why I support the Catholics

In watching the world pass  by I have seen so many things

I have watched as we lost the right to display or even publicly speak of the ten, I have watched as faith and church became an evil thing on television. And sadly I have seen the rise of all the many isms which came to fill the void and replace all things once called Christian. Through all of this one stood firm and took the hits came back scratched bruised and bleeding none the less this one church stood still above the rest.

I heard the whispers I have heard the gossip about this church and its people how they do this they say what and oh no what is that you say! All the backbiting its bickering the envy and the strife. Now it is odd this all is found in other communities but it’s used far more from outside to condemn the leadership of the Church and their stand to protect our civil liberties.

So yes I emphatically  support the Bishops and the Church if I must be cursed then let it be for standing for the truth and the rights of men and women to choose for freedom and liberty.

Mid-life or Senior daze

Today I woke to realize I am not that person that I thought ,
I wonder where the middle went until I look into the mirror, I waited patiently for that mid-life crises then woke up  where I am, I look and feels as if a horse and mule went and dragged me over many humps, bumps and stumps still I wonder at what stage in this life I am? Some company keeps telling me I am a Senior carp ,a what I ask? At 18 I was senior but now are they really so darn nuts? I missed the middle ages, where I was suppose get a fast car or motor cycle. I got a trike a few two wheelers and a trampoline, I wonder does it count. In all this I have been blessed exceedingly.
I realised today I am not grizzled nor am I chiseled I can not hate or hold to anger as I move on though this life; for I find as someone told me once; seek peace with love, forgive all sins and then forget them as I do. So in my way I will fight for life: pro and pro and the absolute right of all to live, seek liberty and happiness. So I can not keep my silence here or on this big wide web. I would add I support the Bishops of the Catholic Church and everyone who claims to follow the Messiah Christ anointed one or Jesus should do the same, but its your choice, now here my simple thought: before conception there are two choices, after only one, life must prevail.