come and hear

The boundaries were set at the time of creation

The boundaries were set at the time of creation

Few people want to know that for God it is always black and white; for man prefers the gray of compromise; that is what Satin knows and hopes for. What the person of excuse lives for, the compromise, those who will not say no, who will not say yes, but always feel they can straddle the fence and say maybe; Those who have no character and no moral compass, Men and women who see position power and money as marks of their being. For knowing God they have rejected him, his ways, and searched out lawlessness and marked it as good.

Message to those who sin

Each of you must chose, life or death

For thus says the lord God most high
Listen now to my words to hear and to see
Oh you great leader’s of these new selfless men
You revered men of awe always demanding respect
You have turned the many away from righteousness
You have forced so many called by my name to bow down
To worship at your alters of greed and suffering
Forcing the poor, the widow, and the orphan to pay homage to you
You take their freedom
You steal their lives; force them into lives of toil
Your ignorance is magnified ten fold
Your wretchedness and sin a thousand more

So wretched man of sin
What then is your defense?
Come now contend with me, oh lowly man of sin
Your lies are magnified for you are enslaved
Come look; come hear for it is because of your very words and deeds
Your children lose their way
They are already slaves as you
For you have defined and refine what their freedom is.
They have neither the will nor the strength to resist
For their soul is shriveled nearly dead
Where yours is burn and is ash
Your hate your rage is all you have
Yet you tell these poor wretched fools your lies
You speak of love and great reward
When death and white washed tombs of dry old bones is all you have to offer

To the self righteous did you aid the poor this day? Did you cloth your brother? Did you feed the orphan, widow the infirm or visit with the old? These few things are lost are forgot among the mighty churches of the age who give to get and insure their finical rewards in the world of carnal man. Lay up your treasure where rust and dust have no say. May you be blessed this day?

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