And the word said

And the word said

What would Jesus say… what did he say? Do we care? Are we so enlightened that we can redefine the very nature of what God said? We are a luke warm people one with a short memory yet one which does not remember much.

As I have stood in silence, my soul it has cried out; my spirit turns within me, crying speak the words I give to you. My Lord my Christ looks at me asking why? Why are you now silent? Why, won’t you speak out? Do you fear the man or has your love failed?
Remember Lot? How that good and righteous man had his soul so seared from what he saw around him in that time. What was once hidden is revealed and man is so blind he refuses yet to see. His sins rain down upon him day and night you see. No none is righteous no not one. None do see that the day of wrath is near for they have no fear of the most high they have spoken of and to those things they do not understand; when they should do as the Archangel Michael when contending with the advisory for the body of Moses when he said simply the Lord rebukes you.
God does call return to me, come and sit upon my knee follow do and love your fellow man.
Division separations have no part of the Lord. And yet he said I come to separate to divide the sheep now from the goats. So ask yourself which you are and whom do you follow a man and his traditions or the Lord God most High and His ways.

I must remind you once again God does not require sacrifice or long repetitive prayers of supplication but he asks for a reparative and contrite heart he can fix the broken, but not the all knowing arrogant.

Are we morally repugnant? If not what are we.
Take a moment and conceder:
We claim the moral high ground; we claim we have compassion for and a love for all life. Yet for forty years we have encouraged the murder of millions we have even exported these ideals, yet condemn Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Poe Pot among so many others. We have Genocide by law, insured no protected by courts and fought for by the people as a right of choice. The child has been redefined as a mass, a lump, a thing evolving with in the womb.
We say we are responsible. As we sit in silence as they pass these laws, which encourage the murder of our own children. Yet we bring to trial to public degradation men and women who have before our enlighten laws done the same things, Side not Germany had laws very similar to ours. But theirs was done on a smaller scale. Where these people eliminated million of a few unflavored groups, we eliminate, no we encourage and teach the many to murder those who may carry or those who could have a defect; Those of feeble minds. to do this to see the murder of their children as a noble ideal. Thus these groups are proud and demand to be allowed to keep this right; A right they will not question for to question they might just hear the truth and in so doing realize they have been duped. Which is contained in a law passed to help one tenth of one percent of women those who were victims of rape or incest?

What would Jesus say; no, we should ask what he said. Now think what did he say? Suffer not the children to come to me; for these are those to whom the kingdom of God belongs; you must become as one of them, you must be reborn; so many were confused as so many are today; For this two was said and it written render aid to the poor, the needy, the widow and the orphan, and the stranger who lives among you.

Millions are for the allowing of those who came here illegally to stay they march they fight for this freedom this right yet they spat upon those who came here the hard way the legal way those who wanted to become a part of the whole not a separate festering blister demanding that the whole be changed for them that we accept their way their life style and give up ours.

To be Christ like is what we are to do.